Being a college student can be down right stressful at times! Being away from home can be difficult and being so busy all the time can be so overwhelming! When Home Sweet College Home contacted me about partnering with them I jumped at the opportunity to help spread the word about what they do! Home Sweet College Home makes it easy to send care packages to a college students that could use a taste of home. Their website is easy to navigate and selecting a care package option is so quick and easy!You can choose to either send a pre-made package or personalize the package by selecting the items yourself. I received the "spa day" care package and absolutely love it! Everything arrived in an adorable box and smelled amazing! The items included in the "spa day" package: Charcoal Face Mask Vial Recovery Bath Salt Vial Pink Himalayan Body Scrub Honey Lavender Mint Soap Lavender Body Butter I absolutely love the idea behind Home Sweet College Home! If you'...
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